Ahlan wa Sahlan

Berawal dari pertanyaan dan beberapa permintaan bantuan lainnya. Tak jarang, ketika berita offline itu menyela chating kita, segera saja kita tutup dan kembali tak tercatat. Tapi, kemudian berita dan offline itu menjadi teramat penting ketika kita sadar kita tak lagi bisa menjumpainya...

Nah, di saat catatan offline itu menghilang, kemana kita mencarinya? Di sini solusinya, hayuks... ;)

Dari Masisir, oleh Masisir, dan untuk Masisir

Kamis, September 03, 2009

Work and Facebook

Fancy a job spending 13 hours a day on Facebook?
12:09 AM (Reads: 113)
Source: Computer World (UK)

According to media reports, Portsmouth City Council has banned 4,500 of its staff from logging on to Facebook after it discovered that employees are spending on average 413 hours a month on the site.

That seems ridiculous doesn't it? And that's because it is nonsense. Just think this through. If we assume a 30 day month, then 413 hours equals 13 hours and 40 minutes on Facebook per person, every day. Umm, is anyone really in the office that long?
And that's before we even take into account weekends, holidays, sick leave. What I am more inclined to believe is that in *total* Portsmouth City Council workers are spending 413/month on FB.

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